Bates College

The Critical Importance of Purpose

The Critical Importance of Purpose

Often students are asked about their passions: exercise, the LA Dodgers, the German language, or coding in C++?

However, a better question, according to an article by Jon Jachimowicz, Three Reasons it’s so Hard to Follow Your Passion, in the Harvard Business Review 15 October 2019, is what is your purpose? Central to the article is a Deloitte Survey of 3000 full time workers across all types of job levels. It found only a fifth were ‘passionate about their work.’

Maine-lining the Liberal Arts: Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin Colleges Considered

Maine-lining the Liberal Arts: Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin Colleges Considered

If Pomona College is a school of interest, then you should consider three comparable schools in Maine: Bates, Bowdoin, and Colby. The three share Pomona College’s size, liberal arts orientation, and strength of science and humanities curriculum, while maintaining their unique charm, programs, and historical roots.

The Art of the College Decision Letter

The Art of the College Decision Letter

College acceptances generate ineffable joy, while rejections melancholy.  A good way to come to grips with the inevitable vicissitudes of the admissions process is to take note of this year’s admissions messages: what they say, and most importantly, how they say it. This should remove some of the apprehension and hurt, while keeping in perspective some of the joy of the admissions cycle. Though, in all honesty, rejection is always difficult, no matter what.

Reducing the Costs of Your Bachelor's Degree

Reducing the Costs of Your Bachelor's Degree

If you are fortunate enough to gain admission to Stanford, or any of the Ivy League schools, even if your family income is  slightly over $100,000 a year, you'll receive substantial grants. (See "Looking for a Well-Endowed College?" in this blog.)  Should you not be among the chosen elite, but have participated in an IB Diploma Programme, or took a slew of AP courses, you just might be able to skip a year, and get your Bachelors degree in 3 instead of (especially in the public schools) 5-6 years