college costs

The Transformation of a College Education

The Transformation of a College Education

The world of higher education is undergoing change. At the moment the change might not be easily perceived, but it is occurring, because it must.

The primary factor behind the change is higher education’s inexorably rising costs. Over the last two decades college costs have been rising annually at 1.6% above inflation.

Dealing with the Costs of College

Dealing with the Costs of College

Tuitions are slated to rise over the next years as public schools feel the pressure of state government belt tightening, and private schools encounter a drop off of funds. One remedy might be to apply to the service academies , which will cover all your costs and pay you a monthly stipend, or attend tuition-free schools (with some, such as Deep Springs, actually picking up all costs) . Or, if you're lucky enough to gain admission to the most selective schools, you might find some incredible blue light specials: