Making the most of college

Making College Count: a Book Review

Making College Count: a Book Review

Getting into college is a major challenge.  Yet, once in, prepare to work hard to uncover your capabilities and apply yourself. College can be a fabulous launching pad to a successful career or a series of careers.

However, if college plans are not set and thought through, a student can easily get derailed:

On average only 67% of students will return for sophomore year.

Only 19% of students finish a four-year degree in four years.

For the Class of 2015, only 14% had ‘career type jobs’ lined up after graduation, and the average student debt load for each was $35,000.

Secrets of Successful Students

Secrets of Successful Students

Richard J. Light, a professor in the Graduate School of Education and the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, conducted a ten-year study, interviewing over 1,600 successful Harvard students, and tracking their answers to a very important question, “Did I really get what I came here for?” His findings were published in his book, Making the Most of College, Students Speak their Minds.