Arizona State

Communications Major Considered

Communications Major Considered

What is a ‘communications’ major, and what do you do with it? A good starting point is the College Board’s Majors and Career Central There you will discover that Communications encompasses a range of subjects: advertising, digital media (anything from website design, ecommerce, to writing for web-based media), journalism (copyediting, magazine writing, broadcast news...), public relations, and radio and television.

Public versus Private Research Universities

Public versus Private Research Universities

When the Wall Street Journal surveyed top corporate recruiters who hire more than 43,000 new university graduates a year, the answer as to where the recruiters found the most promising graduates warranted consideration. These companies are putting their recruiting money where their mouths are. (To get a better sense of this you can find the article at Their top five schools were all large public universities: 1. Penn State; 2. Texas A&M; 3. University of Illinois; 4. Purdue University; and 5. Arizona State. All admit over 50% of their applicants, with Arizona State admitting a whopping 90%. How in the world could these recruiters be so enamored with students from institutions that appear to be so unselective?